Programme in 5 simple steps
Your Programme in 5 Simple Steps
1) Start with the 3mm device and set your start time
You fitted the 5mm device, followed by the 3mm device, but you always start your programme by wearing the 3mm device. When you wear the 5mm device first, the muscles of the face are starting to adjust to this and then when you wear the 3mm device, the brain finds this so much easier because the muscles have already started to adapt to the 5mm device.
If you had no signs of overuse with either device, your starting point after two days of rest will be 15 minutes with the 3mm device morning and evening.
If you suffered any signs of overuse with either device, you should start with the time you were able to wear the 3mm device without any pain.
2) Double up
After two days rest, you can start doubling up the time until you reach a maximum of 60 minutes am and pm. The 60 minutes maximum is a guideline which has worked for many users. However, some people have reported very good results with as little as 20 minutes am and pm. As this is an individual programme, the wear period should be decided by the results being achieved. Remember to do your touch test….it only needs to be done once on the day you wear your device.
Key points:
- Take your photographs regularly
- Look out for any signs of overuse
- Try to control any parafunctional habits
- Decide on a maximum wear time that is right for you and your lifestyle
Every 2 weeks, you should do the questionnaire to help you become aware of your freeway space and stop your clenching or grinding habits!
We recommend that you take photographs after 2 weeks, 2 months and 4 months, and ideally during your rest period too.
3) Introduce 5 mm device
After two months of wearing the 3 mm device, you can start wearing the 5 mm device. The criteria to decide this are:
- a) If you have reached your maximum time for at least two or three wear periods.
- b) When wearing your 3mm device, if you do not feel or see any signs of stretch on your face, you should change to the 5mm, as long as you have no signs of overuse. Some people however, are happy just to wear the 3mm device.
You need to introduce it gradually e.g. wear the 5mm device for 5 minutes and the 3mm for 55 minutes…. until you are only using the 5mm device.
If at any point, you get any signs of overuse, you should halve the amount you are wearing the device or return to the programme which was not giving you any pain.
4) Rest!
After 4 months from the start of your programme, you should have a 4 month rest.
5) Programme for Life
Thereafter, the programme should be 2 months wear, and 4 months rest. In other words, you only wear the device for 2 months, twice a year. You do not need to start again gradually …just start from the point you left off.