Botox and Oralift (click to see more)

Botox is often used to relax facial muscles that have become very tense due to stress or through clenching and grinding your teeth. Oralift was designed to address and delay the signs of facial aging. However, we do find that it can help people with tense facial muscles to relax these muscles. These are very often people who clench or grind their teeth and Oralift can be a useful tool to help stop these habits. Lifelong clenchers have reported that Oralift has helped them to stop.

Everyone is an individual and it’s difficult to say whether the use of Oralift could replace your Botox for this purpose, but from our experience there is every chance that it could. 

Stress and Anxiety

We have found that a lot of our "after" pictures show that the facial muscles have relaxed. Does this mean that Oralift can reduce stress? it is possible but what we recommend is that Oralift is used in conjunction with relaxation and meditation techniques, Both used together could compliment each other to reduce anxiety.

Skin Improvement

Botox is also used to relax the muscles where wrinkles are forming on the face. Oralift can improve these by making the skin younger and relaxing the facial muscles. In a recent study it was shown that after 2 weeks of using Oralift, wrinkles reduced by 12.5% and skin elasticity improved by 20%. Skin improvement continues and in our earlier study, users even after 10 months reported that their skin had improved.

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