I am worried it will give me a long face (click to see more)
The concern about getting a long face is often related to the stretch of the face occurring when wearing either device (3mm or 5mm) in the mouth. When the muscles are stretched, they are also deprogrammed. We have observed that the deprogrammed muscles will try to restore the golden proportion to the face. This means that the face should not become disproportionately longer. The antiaging effect will try to restore your face to what it used to look like in the past. However, we do explain in our signs of overuse section on the App, that any sign occurring on the face that you do not like during the treatment should be regarded as a sign of overuse. What we suggest doing in that case is reducing the time you are wearing the device (3mm or 5mm). If needed, you can also stop wearing the device for a week or two (the healing process can still continue when you are not wearing the device). Golden Proportion Person with Short Face Claudia's face had shortened because of her clenching and grinding habit. Many people suffer from this, and they lose lower facial height. The deprogrammed muscles try to restore golden proportion to the face and their face like Claudia' face will become longer. Person with long face Jodylynn on the other hand does not clench or grind her teeth and in fact had a long face before she used Oralift. In her case the deprogrammed muscles gave a her more youthful face with her cheeks lifted up. Everyone is an individual and response is individual. |