Is the programme flexible? (click to see more)
Is the programme flexible?
The programme we have devised is tried and tested, and is safe and guaranteed, but can Oralift be used in different ways?
Oralift has to work for your lifestyle and a number of users have successfully adapted the programme to suit them.
There can be an infinite amount of programme variations, but it’s very important to make sure you do not get signs of overuse and you are monitoring your results regularly by taking photographs.
Test the state of your muscles
The crucial element is to test the state of your facial muscles to determine your starting point. This is why a unique Oralift Touch Test was developed.
The onboarding touch test divides people broadly into two groups:
Group 1 - at the extreme end there are people whose muscles adapt very quickly and they can wear either device for as long as they like right from start. These people have relaxed muscles and are likely to have more flexibility.
Usually after the initial touch test, if for the next two weeks you do not have any signs of overuse, you are most likely to be in this group and can vary the programme according to your needs.
Monitor your results with photographs every two weeks.
Group 2 - at the other end are those whose muscles find it difficult to adapt. These are people with tense facial muscles who may find they can only wear the device for as little as a minute, sometimes less. These people should follow the programme according to the results of their touch test and progress very gradually. The aim is to get their muscles healthy so they become part of the first group.
Even if you can only wear the device for a minute or two, this does not mean you will not see any improvements on the face. People with tense muscles get very good results even with wearing the device for these short times. It's important to take pictures regularly (even every two weeks) to monitor results.
People often ask if it's ok to break up their 60 minute session into 2 x 30 minute sessions.
The answer is yes - there's absolutely no problem doing this if it works better for you.
They also ask if they can wear the device every day.
The recommended programme is to wear the device every third day (i.e. with 2 rest days in between), but it's not a rigid programme and can be adapted for your lifestyle. For flexibility of the programme, please watch these videos:
Variation examples
- Variation 1: 2 months wear and 4 months rest: wearing the 3mm for one month everyday for 30mins and then introducing the 5mm gradually for the 2nd month while still wearing the Oralift for a maximum amount of 30mins everyday, then do the 4 months rest period
- Variation 2: Wear the device on two set days each week rather than every third day
- Variation 3: Wear the device once a day for 20 minutes in the morning (e.g. while getting ready)
So finally, the programme is flexible and the most important part to remember is to use Oralift and monitor by taking pictures.
If in the rest period you feel you need to reduce the resting time you can, but please monitor your progress carefully with photographs (sometimes a user feels they need to reduce the resting time because of clenching or going through a stressful period). Please remember you can take as many photographs as you like. You can always book a review appointment to discuss your results.
If you have lapsed using Oralift, you can just pick up from where you left off. If it's been a long time, your muscles may have become tense, so you may wish to start with the 3mm and see how you get on.
Healthy facial muscles for everyone is the key
Can tense facial muscles become relaxed and can relaxed facial muscles become tense?
The answer is yes!
You can use relaxation techniques or meditation to relax muscles and relaxed muscles can become tense if you are stressed start parafunctioning.
If this happens during your Oralift journey in years to come, you must change your wear programme. The best way to judge this is by monitoring and taking regular photographs.
The significance of rest periods
Oralift is based on the principal of adaptation, which is not the same as but similar to exercise. In exercise programmes, it is recommended not to overwork the same muscles. With Oralift, we want to ensure there is never any pain from overworked muscles, and we know that the programme with two days rest in between gets results! The important point to remember is that you do not get signs of overuse and you do not let Oralift become a routine. That is why the 4 months rest periods are important.
Users get worried that they will lose the benefits in the 4 month rest period. This is not the case; the microtrauma theory means that even in the rest period the healing and the improvements carry on. Usually the face keeps on improving.