Oralift Treatment Guide
Congratulations on choosing to look good for your age naturally, with Oralift Facial Rejuvenation!
Oralift Facial Rejuvenation is a unique natural treatment designed to delay the signs of facial ageing and improve existing signs of ageing. This Treatment Guide covers every aspect of this innovative treatment.
1. Introduction
2. Freeway Space
3. Taking your pictures
4. Fitting the device
5. Touch Test
6. Oralift Programme
(1) Introduction
Oralift is a revolutionary treatment, designed to address the signs of facial ageing and give you a natural look, unlike the artificiality often associated with surgery and injectables. Oralift affects the whole face and the long term results especially, are very exciting. Some people who have been using Oralift for more than ten years look better than when they first started the treatment!
Oralift treatment involves wearing the Oralift device in the mouth for short periods for a few months of the year. In the rest periods when the device is not being worn, the effects continue.
The remarkable benefits reported by Oralift users have included:
• Reduced lines around the mouth, eyes and face in general.
• Reduced bags under the eyes.
• Increased fullness of the lips.
• More prominent cheekbones.
• Tightened and strengthened facial muscles.
• Improved complexion.
• Strengthening and firming of the jawline.
• Closed and repaired pores.
• Improved smile.
• Improved head posture.
• Reduction or elimination of headaches
In a paper published in The Open Dentistry Journal in 2018 (https://goo.gl/3Zn51u) all the participants in the study reported that their skin had improved, and that the treatment had made them aware of their clenching habit. They also noticed an improvement in the symmetry of the face and the reversal of what is known as “the ageing triangle”.
Facial ageing used to be regarded mainly as gravity assisted sagging of the soft tissues of the face. Recent research has shown that bony changes can also contribute to facial ageing. As we grow older, the facial muscles thin down and put less strain on the bones, and on the face the cheek bones flatten. This results in the reversal of the lower facial triangle: in youth, the base of the triangle is in the area of the cheeks and the point is towards the chin. As jowls develop, the base of the triangle drops to the jawline and the point is towards the nose. Up to now, only facial surgery could reverse this. Now the Oralift device can achieve similar results, but naturally.
(2) Freeway Space
It is very important to experience your Freeway Space before starting treatment. The muscles of the face when relaxed usually keep the lips together and the teeth slightly apart. The little space between the upper and lower teeth is called the “freeway space” and is usually 1-3mm in size. At this relaxed or resting position there is a minimal amount of electrical activity occurring in the facial muscles to maintain muscle tone.
When you wear the Oralift device, it separates the teeth by an amount much greater than your original “freeway space”. The muscles on the face immediately realise that this device is something that they cannot chew or eat. The muscles must now adapt by altering their fibres to create a new resting length and a new “free way space.”. Some will have to lengthen, and some shorten.
This process of adaptation is similar to exercise. It’s scientifically proven that exercise is essential for our health and wellbeing, and that muscles give us our power and strength. Facial muscles are different from body muscles in that they do not have to be exercised as they have this ability to adapt to a new position of the jaw.
This process of adaptation is well established in orthodontics but what the Oralift device has shown, is that muscles start to adapt as soon as the device is put in the mouth. Therefore, in some cases, the results of wearing the Oralift device can be seen within minutes.
There may be a number of explanations as to why Oralift and this process of adaptation has an anti ageing effect. It involves greater protein activity for which muscles need more nutrients. Various proteins are released including a growth factor (Mechano Growth Factor) which seems to trigger off the body’s healing process.
The micro trauma and satellite cell theories further indicate that this is what maybe happening. When the Oralift device is worn, it causes multiple very small areas of trauma to the facial muscles. This is followed by a repair process which can continue for up to ten months after the initial trauma. This may be one of the reasons why improvements can still be seen when the device is not being worn, in the rest period.
How to experience your Freeway Space:
Put your lips gently together, and let your facial muscles relax. You should be aware of the space between your top and bottom teeth. Now, let your bottom back teeth touch your top back teeth. Relax again, so that your lips are still together but your teeth are apart. Do this a few times, and you will become aware of your freeway space and how big it is. Most people experience an increase in this space after fitting the devices and doing the initial “Touch Tests”.
(3) Taking Your Pictures
Most people who choose Oralift Facial Rejuvenation have a “wish list” of what they would like to achieve from the treatment. Because it is your own body doing the work, it can never be guaranteed exactly what the results can be. Around twenty per cent of Oralift users will see a dramatic change after four months and in others, the changes will be subtle but significant. A three-star result after four months can become a five-star result after two years. Oralift should make you look good for your age without anyone being able to guess how, because you will have achieved this naturally. People who have been using Oralift for some years report that they are constantly being asked how they manage to look so good for their age.
Photography is essential to monitor the results of Oralift. Photographs should be standardized with the same lighting, no shadows, the same size and using the same settings on the camera. This will allow you to accurately compare before and after photographs. Fortunately, modern smart phones usually have excellent photographic facilities! We recommend that you take photographs before starting treatment, two weeks later, two months and four months after starting treatment, and in the middle of the rest period. It is recommended that six views are taken at each stage and that ideally, the face should be make up free and the hair tied back with a band:
1) Full face: lips should be together but teeth not touching
2) Smiling: the smile should be the same each time and the widest possible
3) Side view from left
4) Side view from right
5) Side view from the left but of the whole body (to monitor head posture and you will need help to take this view)
6) Side view from the right, whole body (to monitor head posture and you will need help to take this
Trends To Monitor
When comparing before and after pictures certain trends take place. We call these the S>C>A>L>E:
1) Shape of the face and Smile window:
Is the shape of the face longer, is the jawline more defined, have the jowls reduced, does the neck look worse or better?(the neck can sometimes look worse initially, because of the improvement in the head posture)
The smile window is the space between your upper and lower lips when you are smiling. Has this changed? As we get older, we tend to show more of our lower teeth and dark tunnels may appear at the sides of the mouth. As the soft tissues lift, there may be a reversal of this tooth display and you may notice that the corners of the mouth may lift more upwards. This makes the smile look more attractive together with the improvement in the eyes.
2) Complexion:
Is the granular texture of the skin smoother under and around the eyes, on the cheeks, on the forehead? Are the wrinkles reduced/less deep on the forehead, corners of the eyes and lips?
3) Ageing Triangle and Asymmetry:
Is this changing? (see introduction)
Most people have a degree of asymmetry on the face e.g. one eye can look bigger than the other. One corner of the mouth may lift up more when smiling. One cheek can be flatter than the other cheek. The chin may not be in the centre of the face, but slightly to the left or right. Have any of these improved?
4) Lips:
Do the lips look fuller, have the corners of the mouth lifted up, do they look more moist and pink?
5) Eyes:
Do the eyes look less sunken in, do they look brighter, bigger?
Other areas that may show improvement include:
Does the hair appear shinier and thicker…can you see any new growth?
Has the head posture improved (in your profile photographs, has the angle of the neck to the shoulders improved?)
Does the neck look more sculpted, are the wrinkles reduced, has there been an improvement if you have what is known as “turkey neck”?
Not everyone will see improvements in all these areas but studying your photographs may surprise you and you should be able to see at least two or three improvements. Remember also to look for Signs of Overuse. (see Programme section).
(4) Fitting of the Oralift Devices
1) You should have ready a ruler, kettle, heat resistant bowl, teaspoon and some Vaseline. An emery board is also useful if you need to smooth down any sharp edges on the blocks of your device.
2) Before fitting the device, you should have taken photographs of your face and learned about freeway space. It is now important to experience your freeway space:
Put your lips gently together, and let your facial muscles relax. You should be aware of the space between your top and bottom teeth. Now, let your bottom back teeth touch your top back teeth. Relax again, so that your lips are still together but your teeth are apart. Do this a few times, and you will become aware of your freeway space and how big it is. Most people experience an increase in this space after fitting the devices and doing the initial “Touch Tests”.
3) Now you should measure the distance between the tips of your top teeth and bottom teeth when you open your mouth as wide as you can. Make a note of this measurement, which should not reduce throughout your treatment.
4) You are now ready to fit the device with the 5mm blocks. Heat some water in the kettle, and when the water reaches a rapid boil, pour it into the heat resistant bowl and gently immerse the device in the water for three and a half minutes. The device should be removed with the end of the spoon but before doing so, put a little Vaseline on your finger tips and on the spoon, to prevent the thermoplastic material from sticking to your fingers.
5) After the three and a half minutes, take the device out of the water with the spoon, shake the water off the device and put it straight into your mouth behind your lower front teeth. The device does not have to go on the top or the front of your front teeth, but don’t worry if it does. Gently, but firmly, bite down on the two blocks and mould the inside of the device with your tongue, and the outside with the palm of your hand. Do not bite too hard or this may distort the device. The device does not have to fit very snugly around the teeth, as a slightly loose device will still function well. Also remember, that you can always remould the device. If you are remoulding, remember not to leave it in the boiling water for three and a half minutes… two minutes will suffice. You cannot remould the device more than three or four times.
NB: There are slightly alternative ways to fit the device but the above is the simplest. The microwave method which made the device very hot was used by dentists.
Now it’s time for the Touch Test (see section 5). During the 5 minutes of doing the Touch Test if you suffer any pain in the face or trembling of the muscles you should stop the test, noting the time when the this happened.
6) After fitting the 5mm device and doing the touch test, you can fit your 3mm device and follow the same procedure. You will find that this device is much easier to wear because your facial muscles have already adapted to the 5mm device. It is therefore important to fit the 5mm device first, although you will always start your treatment by wearing the 3mm device. Again, stop if you experience any signs of overuse.
(5) The "Touch Test"
The Touch Test has two purposes: initially to check the state of your muscles and secondly, to set up a trigger in the brain to reinforce the message that teeth should never touch.
With your device in the mouth, keep your lips together, and let your muscles relax so that your top
teeth do not touch the top of the blocks. If they do touch you should record this.
Touch Tests when fitting the devices for the first time:
This may cause your muscles to ache or start to tremble the first time you do the tests and if this happens, it should be regarded as a sign of overuse and you should stop the test.
Otherwise, continue and from time to time, your upper teeth may touch the top of the blocks and you should record this. Sometimes, the teeth will just touch on one side. This is normal, as the muscles on one side can be more tense than on the other side.
Sometimes, the teeth will touch the top of the blocks when you swallow. If you swallow with the tip of your tongue behind your upper two front teeth, you will find they are less likely to touch. Swallowing with clenched teeth is a parafunctional habit. Relaxed swallowing does not need tooth contact.
The touch test should be done for five minutes. During the test, it is a good idea to close your eyes and think of something pleasant. This will help you to relax your muscles and may be regarded as five minutes of meditation.
Touch Tests during your programme:
On your wear days, the touch test should be done for the first five minutes of one of your wear sessions, but included as part of the wear time. The purpose of this is to reinforce in the brain that tooth contact is not necessary.
Teeth are used for chewing food but never come into contact when eating. There is a mechanism which separates the jaw after food has been chewed and before the teeth come into contact.
Teeth do not need to come into contact when swallowing.
The only time teeth come into contact is when parafunctioning.
Some people are not aware of the fact that they clench or grind their teeth. This habit can occur in day time or while you are asleep and can damage your teeth, cause facial pain and may contribute to headaches. We believe it can also cause premature ageing of the face. It is therefore essential to stop this habit. Other parafunctional habits include excessive chewing of gum, cheek or lip biting or chewing pencils etc.
In the next few days, you should start to become aware of whether you clench or grind your teeth during daytime. Every time you record a touch it will hopefully be starting to register in your brain that tooth contact is not necessary. Even night time clenching may be stopped. Night time clenching has been studied, and it has been established that a series of events takes place in the brain before we start to clench or grind. We do not know exactly what triggers this chain of events, but stress undoubtedly plays a role. Now that you have become aware that tooth contact is not necessary for normal function, this should have set up another trigger in your brain to counteract the trigger that starts the clenching habit. Many people have reported that they have wakened up when they start to clench after they have started to use Oralift.
If you are 100% confident that you do not clench or grind your teeth during the day or night the Touch Test is not essential, but this period of five minutes should be regarded as your 5 minutes of relaxation/meditation time.
Everyone wants to achieve a 5* result but that is not going to be possible for everyone. We know that lifestyle habits keep the body healthy as we age. Stress, sun damage, smoking, alcohol, diet and lack of exercise are all contributing factors. Controlling parafunction and using Oralift will now start to play a major part in this ageing process.
Even a 3* result after four months can become a 5* result after two years!
(6) The Oralift Programme:
Your Programme in 5 Simple Steps
1) Start with the 3mm device and set your start time
You fitted the 5mm device, followed by the 3mm device, but you always start your programme by wearing the 3mm device. When you wear the 5mm device first, the muscles of the face are starting to adjust to this and then when you wear the3mm device, the brain finds this so much easier because the muscles have already started to adapt to the 5mm device.
If you had no signs of overuse with either device, your starting point after two days of rest will be 15 minutes with the 3mm device morning and evening.
If you suffered any signs of overuse with either device, you should start with the time you were able to wear the 3mm device without any pain.
2) Double up
After two days rest, you can start doubling up the time until you reach a maximum of 60 minutes am and pm. The 60 minutes maximum is a guideline which has worked for many users. However, some people have reported very good results with as little as 20 minutes am and pm. As this is an individual programme, the wear period should be decided by the results being achieved. Remember to do your touch test….it only needs to be done once on the day you wear your device. Key points:
• Take your photographs regularly
• Look out for any signs of overuse
• Try to control any parafunctional habits
• Decide on a maximum wear time that is right for you and your lifestyle
Every 2 weeks, you should do the questionnaire to help you become aware of your freeway space and stop your clenching or grinding habits!
We recommend that you take photographs after 2 weeks, 2 months and 4 months, and ideally during your rest period too.
3) Introduce 5mm device
After two months of wearing the 3mm device, you can start wearing the 5mm device. The criteria to decide this are:
a) If you have reached your maximum time for at least two or three wear periods.
b) When wearing your 3mm device, if you do not feel or see any signs of stretch on your face, you should change to the 5mm, as long as you have no signs of overuse. Some people however, are happy just to wear the 3mm device.
You need to introduce it gradually e.g. wear the 5mm device for 5minutes and the 3mm for 55 minutes…. until you are only using the 5mm device.
If at any point, you get any signs of overuse, you should halve the amount you are wearing the device or return to the programme which was not giving you any pain.
4) Rest!
After 4 months from the start of your programme, you should have a 4 month rest.
5) Programme for Life
Thereafter, the programme should be 2 months wear, and 4 months rest. In other words, you only wear the device for 2 months, twice a year. You do not need to start again gradually… just start from the point you left off.
This programme is for an average person, who
experienced no pain when doing the touch tests with the 5mm and 3mm devices. After doing these initial tests, wait for two days before wearing the device again. If you do not experience any signs of overuse in these two days , on the third day you should start with the 3mm device for fifteen minutes in the morning and evening. It is advised to follow your wear day with two days of rest.
Day 1: Wear small (3mm) device for 2 sessions x 15 min each.
Day 2 & 3: Rest.
Day 4: Wear device for 2 sessions x 30 min each
Day 5 & 6: Rest.
Day 7: 2 sessions x 60 min each.
Day 8 & 9: Rest.
Day 10: Wear as day 7.
Continue this programme i.e. wearing the device every third day for 2 x 60-minute sessions for another 6 weeks.
Remember if at any time you experience any signs of overuse, reduce the time you are wearing the device by half. Thereafter, try to gradually increase the time. Some people achieve very good results using the device for shorter times. The maximum of 60 minutes is not a target that must be achieved!
When you are wearing your device, you should always keep your lips together and try to keep your facial muscles relaxed.
Touch Test: Remember to do the Touch Test once every day that you wear the device!
5mm Device Programme:
After two months of wearing the 3mm device, you can now introduce the 5mm.
Day 1: Wear the 5mm device for 5 minutes and then the smaller 3mm device for the rest of the time (55 minutes) each session. Do the 5-minute touch test with the 5mm device.
Day 2 & 3: Rest
Day 4: Wear the 5mm device for 15 minutes and 3mm device for 45 minutes in each session. Remember lips must be kept together and teeth kept apart
Day 5 & 6: Rest
Day 7: Wear the 5mm device for 30 minutes and then the 3mm device for 30 minutes each session.
Day 8 & 9: Rest
Day 10: Wear the 5mm device only for one hour twice a day.
Day 11 & 12: Rest
Day 13: Wear as day 10. Carry on with this programme for 2 months
Touch Test: Remember to do the Touch Test with the 5mm device!
Programme for those who experience signs of overuse doing the initial touch tests with the 5mm or 3mm devices.
If you experienced any signs of overuse when you first fitted either or both of your devices your programme will be much slower than the normal programme.
You should start with how much you were able to wear the 3mm device without any signs of overuse. Then gradually build up the time by doubling it the next day you wear the device.
In the two rest days if you experience any signs of overuse, next time you wear the device reduce the time by half.
Do not start with the 5mm device till you can wear the 3mm device for at least two sessions of one hour without any signs of overuse.
One user could only wear the 3mmdevice for just one minute when she first started but after two and a half years, she was able to wear the larger device for as long as she wanted.
Programme after the first four months
After 4 months of wearing the devices, a rest period of 4 months is recommended. Thereafter, the standard Oralift programme is: 2 months Oralift use followed by 4 months rest. When you start to wear the device again after a rest period, you can start with the time and the device you were wearing before the rest period.
Signs of Overuse:
Overworking the facial muscles can result in headaches, facial pain or trembling of facial muscles. This is an indication that you are proceeding too quickly. You should not get any facial pain, headaches or any kind of soreness when using the Oralift device.
If you do, these should be regarded as signs of overuse and you should reduce by half, the time you are wearing the device. In due course, you should gradually try to increase the time you are wearing it. You should record any signs of overuse to remind you of this the next time you are due to wear the device.
Another sign of overuse can manifest itself in your skin looking slightly worse. Muscles can adapt very quickly, but age damaged skin sometimes takes a little longer to recover. The signs you should be looking for on your facial skin are: deepening of the wrinkles on the forehead, similarly on the corners of the eyes and lips. Please remember that this is a lifetime treatment .
Even when you stop wearing the device in the rest period, the improvements seem to continue. In fact sometimes the best results can be seen in the rest period when you are not wearing the device.
Do not try to rush Oralift treatment !
When to wear Oralift:
After you have used Oralift a few times you should find it very simple to incorporate into your lifestyle.
People use Oralift when they are driving, watching TV, having a bath/shower or when working on their computers. Others use it when working out in the gym.
If you are unable to wear your Oralift device on the recommended day, you should wear it the following day, but it is important always to have two days rest after each day you have worn it. If for any reason you have not worn Oralift for some time, you can simply resume from where you left off.
Oralift Summarised
a) Take pre-treatment photographs
b) Become aware of your freeway space
c) Fit the 5mm device followed by the 5 minute touch test
d) Fit the 3mm device followed by the 5 minute touch test
e) Follow the Oralift programme starting with the 3mm device
Further Information
Oralift is a patented device, manufactured in the UK using DuPont Elvax 150W a thermoplastic material and Grilamid TR90 a nylon material and has been tested by SATRA Technology Centre, Notified body No.0321.