Is Oralift the same as or similar to mewing? (click to see more)
Oralift treatment is not mewing, nor is it similar.
Mewing is a form of facial exercise. Oralift is not an exercise programme and relies on the process of adaptation.
We at Oralift do not dictate where the tongue should be when wearing the Oralift device.
Once the facial muscles (this includes the tongue) are relaxed, our bodies will dictate where the tongue should be. In other words, our body finds the natural place for the tongue to sit.
Once the muscles are deprogrammed, can we use exercise programmes for facial muscles? We do not have enough experience to comment, but as we always say when using other treatments with Oralift, listen to your body, be aware of signs of overuse and monitor carefully. However we definitely do not recommend repetition of the same exercise.
We are trying to work on a plan to see how facial exercises can safely be used with Oralift and will keep you informed.